Avtor/Urednik     Kopčavar-Guček, Nena
Naslov     Motiviranje pacienta - prvi pogoj za zdravljenje
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Boben-Bardutzky D, Užmah-Kučina A, editors. Medicina odvisnosti, medicina sodelovanja. Zbornik 6. konference o medicini odvisnosti; 2004 okt; Vojnik. Ljubljana: Sanofi-Synthelabo, Lek,
Leto izdaje     2004
Obseg     str. 29-36
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Treatment addiction is a lifelong process. It involves the patient in active cooperation not only in behavioral charges, but also in lifestyle alterations. Family doctor is a conariseur of the patient's working and family environment. Therefore, as the doctor of the primary contact, he has the best opportunity in recognizing and intervening in addictions. Motivation is mandatory for successful therapy. Every process of changing damonds individuality, the evaluation of the phase of' changing the patient. The findings of the MATCH project showed favorable results in the motivation enhancement therapy (MET) approach. Patients states not only binary, motivated and non-motivated. Furthermore, the degree of motivation and readeness varies along the steps and stages of changing. Therefore, instruments for assessing readeness to change and motivational interventari strategies must be adjusted accordingly. Partnership in the rapy garanties a better autonomy in deciding and greater autonomy of the patient. Relapses are expected and considered as a phase of learning process. The role of motivation in the therapy of addiction are still the object of further research.
Deskriptorji     BEHAVIOR, ADDICTIVE