Author/Editor     Nolimal, Dušan
Title     Razmišljanja o sodelovanju strokovnjakov epidemiologov in praktikov s področja drog in odvisnosti
Type     članek
Source     In: Boben-Bardutzky D, Užmah-Kučina A, editors. Medicina odvisnosti, medicina sodelovanja. Zbornik 6. konference o medicini odvisnosti; 2004 okt; Vojnik. Ljubljana: Sanofi-Synthelabo, Lek,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 64-72
Language     slo
Abstract     Addiction medicine based on epidemiological findings complements fundamental knowledge and clinical experience. It emphasises the importance to epidemiological findings when it comes to perception and understanding phenomena and assessment of preventive and curative interventions in the field of substance abuse. Cooperation of epidemiologists and practitioners is vital whenever it comes to observing and solving substance abuse problems. The objective of faster connections between theory and practice is also substitution of ineffective approaches with those that have been proven as more effective. A good example of a successful cooperation between epidemilogists an practitioners is the development of »Drug addict treatment register« and the setting of an information system on drug addict treatment in Slovenia. Cooperation is also possible in the fields of research, education and ethical standards creation. It is important for the professional activities to be planned based on quality information and to be assessed every now and then. So that it becomes clear whether they are fullfilling our expectations. By strengthening the connections between epidemiologists and practitioners, the possibility of discovering new phenomena, and critical assessment of new findings increases.