Author/Editor     Malovrh, Tomaž
Title     Poškodbe na potovanju
Translated title     Travel related injuries
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 43, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 95-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Injuries are a notable (and the most common preventable) cause of death and morbidity among travellers. However, travellers are often not told about the dangers of injuries or given any preventative instructions. Common causes of injuries include traffic accidents, falls, sports activities, and violence. In cases of injury, the same standard first aid measures should be used as are practiced at home. It is also important to have adequate health insurance, which will cover the proper care and transport of the injured.
Summary     Poškodbe so pogost in hkrati najbolj preprečljiv vzrok umrljivosti in obolevnosti popotnikov. Kljub temu se ob svetovanju popotniku nevarnosti poškodb pogosto ne omenja oz. se popotnika ne oskrbi z ustreznimi preventivnimi napotki. Pogosti vzroki za poškodbe so prometne nesreče, padci, športne aktivnosti, nasilje. Ob nastanku poškodb veljajo enaki ukrepi prve pomoči kot sicer. Pomembno je ustrezno zdravstveno zavarovanje, ki zagotavlja oskrbo in transport poškodovanca.
Descriptors     TRAVEL