Avtor/Urednik     Ravnik, Janez; Lipovšek, Matej; Sever, Alenka; Bračič, Katarina
Naslov     Kognitivne posledice več let po hudi kraniocerebralni travmi v otroštvu
Prevedeni naslov     Cognitive consequences several years after severe pediatric traumatic brain injury
Tip     članek
Vir     Psihol Obz Ljubl
Vol. in št.     Letnik 13, št. 2
Leto izdaje     2004
Obseg     str. 71-81
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Judgment of the cognitive deficits after severe pediatric traumatic brain injury was for long time under the influence of the so called Kennard's principle: the younger the child at the time of injury, the better the outcome. The purpose of our study was to assess cognitive deficits several years after severe traumatic brain injury in childhood, to evaluate the effect of age at injury and usefulness of various clinical factors for long-term outcome prediction. Sixteen children or adolescents, who experienced severe head injury at least six years ago, were neuropsychologically tested. Despite the absence of neurological deficits in the majority, deficits in various cognitive functions were still detected in one eight to one half of participants. Memory was most frequently affected. Those who were at the time of injury more than six years old, had on average better results on almost all tests. Age had the greatest impact on deficits of the frontal lobe functions. Clinical factors were of limited predictive value, length of coma was the most useful. The results indicate tendency that is opposite to the Kennard's principle: the younger the child, the worse are the consequences of traumatic brain injury. Children who had such injury need appropriate long-term treatment of their cognitive deficits.
Izvleček     Pri kognitivni oškodovanosti otrok po kraniocerebralni travmi je dolgo prevladovalo mnenje, da zanjo velja t.i. Kennardin princip: mlajši kot je otrok v času poškodbe, blažje bodo posledice. Namen naše raziskave je bil ugotoviti obseg kognitivne oškodovanosti več let po hudi kraniocerebralni travmi v otroštvu, oceniti vpliv starosti ob poškodbi ter uporabnost nekaterih kliničnih dejavnikov za dolgoročno napoved okrevanja. Z nevropsihološkimi testi smo testirali šestnajst otrok oz. adolescentov, ki so pred vsaj šestimi leti utrpeli hudo kraniocerebralno travmo. Kljub odsotnosti nevroloških izpadov pri večini pa je bila pri eni osmini do eni polovici še vedno prisotna oškodovanost različnih kognitivnih funkcij. Najpogosteje je bil oškodovan spomin. Udeleženci, ki so bili v času poškodbe stari več kot šest let, so imeli v povprečju boljše rezultate na praktično vseh testih v primerjavi z mlajšimi. Starost je najbolj vplivala na oškodovanost funkcij čelnih možganskih režnjev. Klinični dejavniki so imeli omejeno napovedno vrednost, za najbolj uporabno se je izkazalo trajanje kome. Rezultati kažejo trend, ki nasprotuje Kennardinemu principu: mlajši kot je otrok, hujše so posledice kraniocerebralne travme. Za otroke po tovrstni poškodbi je potrebna ustrezna dolgotrajna obravnava njihove kognitivne oškodovanosti.
Deskriptorji     BRAIN INJURIES