Author/Editor     Rožić-Hristovski, Anamarija; Humar, Iztok; Hristovski, Dimitar
Title     MojaKnjižnica@CMK: vez med uporabniki in informacijami na spletu
Translated title     MyLibrary@CMK: linking users and information on the Web
Type     članek
Source     In: Rožić-Hristovski A, Hacin-Ludvik K, editors. Vloga specialnih in visokošolskih knjižnic v procesu evropske integracije. Zbornik referatov 10. strokovno posvetovanje specialnih knjižnic in 3. strokovno posvetovanje visokošolskih knjižnic z mednarodno udeležbo; 2004 nov 18-19; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Zveza bibliotekarskih društev Slovenije,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 139-48
Language     slo
Abstract     A Web portal is now the standard interface to aggregate library resources and services through a single access point for users. Libraries at many universities and institutions with large electronic collections decided to offer their resources on portals which enable customisation and personalisation, that is to say, are user-centred and suited to their patrons' needs. Considering the previous analyses, the Central Medical Library (CMK) at the Faculty of Medicine has decided to establish a personalised library portal. The article describes approaches to the design of the CMK portal named MyLibrary@CMK. Since financial and human resources were limited, CMK adopted and extended the library portal software MyLibrary of the North Carolina State University. The methods of assuring support to multilinguality and CMK functionality according to the users' needs are also described. Therefore, users can communicate with MyLibrary in a selected language, and can choose only the preferred resources which they use daily to have them displayed on their desktops. As a matter of fact, Web visitors and librarians have an effective tool for information mastering at their disposal. The experiences presented in the article could also be of interest to some other libraries of the European Union.
Descriptors     LIBRARIES, MEDICAL