Avtor/Urednik     Kecelj, Peter; Debeljak, Andrej; Kern, Izidor; Vidmar, Stanko
Naslov     Benigne solitarne spremembe na plevri, opredeljene s torakoskopijo
Prevedeni naslov     Benign solitary pleural lesions diagnosed by medical thoracoscopy
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Crnjac A, editor. Zbornik predavanj Strokovni simpozij z mednarodno udeležbo ob 50-letnici Oddelka za torakalno kirurgijo; 2004 nov 19; Maribor. Maribor: Splošna bolnišnica Maribor,
Leto izdaje     2004
Obseg     str. 43-8
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background: Benign solitary pleural lesions are rare entities. In most patients they are incidental findings, sometimes they cause dyspnoea because of their size and volume. Solitary fibrous tumour of the pleura (SFTP) is the only benign primary tumour of the pleura. The diagnosis is made by one of the invasive diagnostic methods: transthoracic fine needle aspiration biopsy (TTNB), medical thoracoscopy or Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery (VATS) Patients: Ten patients (five females, five males, average age 54 yearsJ with benign solitary pleural lesions are presented. Results: One women reported progradient dyspnoea. In the other nine patients the tumours were incidental findings on the routine chest x-ray. Chest x-ray showed lobar consolidation in one patient and solitary round lesions 2, 5 to 10 cm (average 5 cm) in diameter in the other patients. The cytopathological diagnosis of TTNB were benign lesions (suspicious on SFTP) in two examined patients. At thoracoscopy the round tumour of the parietal pleura (four patients) and the tumour of the visceral pleura (four patients) were found. All tumours of visceral pleura were SFTP. In one patient with the solitary pulmonary nodule at VATS the nodule was diagnosed as SFTP of the interlobular visceral pleura. The histopathological diagnosis of the tumours of parietal leura were lipoma in two patients and both are without any symptoms and are being observed. In two patients the histopathological diagnosis of the tumours was Schwannoma-Antoni type A and was identical after resection. One of the tumours of visceral pleura was as large as right lower lung lobe. In five patients tumours of visceral pleura were resected by the thoracic surgeon and the histopathologic findings were identical with previous-SFTP. Two tumours were in stage I and three tumours were in stage 11. Conclusion: The medical thorascopy is a safe and efficient diagnostic method in patients with solitary pleural lesions.
Deskriptorji     PLEURAL NEOPLASMS