Author/Editor     Lukan, Benjamin; Lah, Jure; Likar, Barbara; Žiger, Mihael
Title     Vpliv ukrepov na cestah za umirjanje prometa na kakovost zraka
Type     članek
Source     In: Vilhar M, editor. Zbornik referatov 7. slovenski kongres o cestah in prometu: 2.del; 2004 okt 20-22; Portorož. Ljubljana: Družba za raziskave v cestni in prometni stroki Slovenije,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 501-9
Language     slo
Abstract     The measures to quieting down the traffic are assigned to physically make impossible for drivers to driving with inappropriate speed or calling their attention to the speed limitation. In this article we are showing the results of model calculations with which we have found the influence of some defined measures on air pollution. In most cases the measures mean emissions increasing of all traffic induced pollutants. Only emissions of particles and nitrogen oxides are in some special cases lower. The emissions are maximal in the cases of drastic speed reductions, when causing the cars stopping and after then driving away or in traffic jams. Relatively the best emissions results are appearing when the speed reductions are small and the traffic is still fluent. Increases of the emissions are locally limited in the vicinity of the measure. Just in cases of greater traffic jams the imission concentrations can be higher also in wider area. Because of relatively rare occurrence of these measures in the cities they have no important influence on the entire imission situation. In the connection with the importance of the measures which notable increase the traffic safety, this emission increasing is in compliance with principle of integrity. In addition these measures don't cause locally excessive or critical air pollution, so they are admissible. Choosing the sort of measure must take into account also the impact on air pollution.
Descriptors     MOTOR VEHICLES