Avtor/Urednik     Kitek, Andreja
Naslov     Pridobivanje in poglabljanje veščin za iskanje zaposlitve in priprava lastne poklicne kariere
Prevedeni naslov     Acquiring and upgrading skills for seeking employment and planning own professional career
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Uršič C, Vidmar J, Wltavsky Z, editors. Zbornik predavanj konference Učno podjetje v sistemu usposabljanja odraslih v Sloveniji; 2004 okt 22; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Inštitut Republike Sloveije za rehabilitacijo,
Leto izdaje     2004
Obseg     str. 42-53
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Acquiring and upgrading skills for seeking employment and planning own professional career is one of the novelties introduced in the programme during the project. Modern trends lead to less and less permanent employment relationships, which means that a person often has to seek employment in their life and therefore needs to learn how to do that. Mentors - advisors have to be properly qualified and positively influence the participants, in addition to which they have to be able to motivate them. The programme is implemented in three phases: in a team, individually and as development of employer network. Team work is carried out by a large group, consisting of all participants of a practice firm - the activities are implemented in five stages (overview of vacancies, attendance checking, implementation of tasks assigned at the previous meeting, overview of new work posts and feedback information), and in small groups - activities are distributed to six sets (examining job applications, employment plan, curriculum vitae, searching informal employment sources, methods for seeking employment and employment interview). Individually, participants prepare their own professional career plan. Development of an employer network is the final goal of job coaching, the aim of which is to improve the employability of participants.