Author/Editor     Zorc-Pleskovič, Ruda; Milutinović-Živin, Aleksandra; Pleskovič, Aleš
Title     Histology and immunohistology of the liver
Type     članek
Source     In: Ferlan-Marolt V, Luzar B, editors. Viral hepatitis. Proceedings of the 35th memorial meeting to professor Janez Plečnik with international participation; 2004 Dec 2-3; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Faculty of medicine, Institute of pathology,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 42-8
Language     eng
Abstract     In the article the major histological characteristics o f the liver are presented as well as the location, morphology and function of the individual liver cells. General hepatic structure, three concepts of liver lobules, hepatic sinusoids, perisinusoidal space of Disse and extracellular matrix are described. The main immunohistological technigue and special stains for microscopic presentation of liver tissues are mentioned. Some liver changes related to age are reported, too.
Descriptors     LIVER