Author/Editor     Ferlan-Marolt, Vera; Luzar, Boštjan; Bregant, Tina
Title     Viral hepatitis - a challenge for clinico-pathological collaboration
Type     članek
Source     In: Ferlan-Marolt V, Luzar B, editors. Viral hepatitis. Proceedings of the 35th memorial meeting to professor Janez Plečnik with international participation; 2004 Dec 2-3; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Faculty of medicine, Institute of pathology,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 65-71
Language     eng
Abstract     Histopathological analysis of complex liver diseases including viral hepatitis always means upgrading of a clinical problem. This type of diagnosis comprises basic data about liver damage outlining histological elements of disease progression. In the article histopathological findings are represented as a key support to serological diagnosis and clinical observation. Viral hepatitis is specified by hepatocellular injury mediated by inflammatory reaction and followed by fibrotic healing with liver regeneration. These histopathological features of necroinflammatory activity so as structural alterations progressing to cirrhosis inform the clinician on the likely future course of the disease and point at the most appropriate therapy. Precisely defined and separately assessed activity grading and structural staging are evaluated in the light of treatment strategy.