Author/Editor     Kraigher, Alenka
Title     Epidemiology of viral hepatitis in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     In: Ferlan-Marolt V, Luzar B, editors. Viral hepatitis. Proceedings of the 35th memorial meeting to professor Janez Plečnik with international participation; 2004 Dec 2-3; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Faculty of medicine, Institute of pathology,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 106-11
Language     eng
Abstract     Background: Viral hepatitis infections are,recognised as important health problem throughout the world. Surveillance for viral hepatitis is needed to find out the rates of incidence and to direct and evaluate prevention and control measures, especially vaccination. Methods: The sources of information about the reported incidence rates of viral hepatitis is national communicable diseases data set managed at the national Institute of Public Health Slovenia. Notification of acute hepatitis A, acute hepatitis B, acute hepatitis C and HBsAg carriers is obligatory by law in Slovenia. National surveillance system contains data using standardised report form. These data includes diagnosis, event dates and basic demographic data (region, age, sex). Results: Epidemiological data on hepatitis A show the declining of the disease among children and a shift towards the young adults. The incidence of acute hepatitis B has declined dramatically since the implementation of the vaccination strategy, particularly among health care workers and children. During the last five years period, the annually reported acute hepatitis C infection incidence rate in the Slovenian population declined. Among cases for which information about exposure was determined, the most common risk factor was injection drug use. Conclusion: Continued monitoring of national and regional specific incidence rates is needed to determine and to assess the impact of the national strategy for prevention and control. The investigation of any new infection of viral hepatitis is needed to identify and control ongoing sources of transmission. Major efforts should be given to hepatitis A and B vaccination and further investigation of modes of transmission.