Author/Editor     Jeruc, Jera; Zidar, Nina
Title     Viral hepatitis in autopsies performed in the Institute of pathology in Ljubljana
Type     članek
Source     In: Ferlan-Marolt V, Luzar B, editors. Viral hepatitis. Proceedings of the 35th memorial meeting to professor Janez Plečnik with international participation; 2004 Dec 2-3; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Faculty of medicine, Institute of pathology,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 257-9
Language     eng
Abstract     Because autopsy procedure comprises a risk of potential disease transmission, we wished to determine the incidence of viral hepatitis, post-hepatitic liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma due to hepatitis virus infection in our autopsy practice. Cirrhosis, mostly of ethylic origin, was found in 103 of 1045 autopsies (9.9%). Post-hepatitic liver cirrhosis was recognized in eight (7.8 %) autopsies, three of them being associated with HBV infection. We observed four cases of viral hepatitis, and 9 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma, three of them associated with chronic viral hepatitis. We conclude that the incidence of liver diseases associated with viral infection in our autopsies is low. Nevertheless, better communication between the clinician and the pathologist could reduce the risks the pathologists are exposed to and help clinicians to evaluate the accuracy of diagnosis and therapy efficiency.