Author/Editor     Sojar, Valentin; Druškovič, Mirjam; Stanisavljević, Dragoje
Title     Liver transplantation due to posthepatic viral cirrhosis in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     In: Ferlan-Marolt V, Luzar B, editors. Viral hepatitis. Proceedings of the 35th memorial meeting to professor Janez Plečnik with international participation; 2004 Dec 2-3; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Faculty of medicine, Institute of pathology,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 281-3
Language     eng
Abstract     Chronic infection with hepatitis C and B is the most common cause of liver cirrhosis in the western world. Posthepatitic liver cirrhosis is the single most freguent indication (up to 30%) for liver transplantation giving the patient the only possibility for long term survival. Chronic liver failure, acute liver failure or primary liver cancer in cirrhotic liver could also be indications for transplantation. The main factor compromising long term survival after transplantation is recurrent viral hepatitis. Liver transplant program in Slovenia shows some important differences compared to other liver transplant programs in the western world. Proportion of the patients with posthepatitic liver cirrhosis in the whole group of transplanted patients is 16%, the number of patients transplanted with HCC is 3%, which is far too low if the incidence of HCV and HBV infection is the same as in other European countries. One year and three years survival in our patients after transplantation is comparable to survival in other Eurotransplant countries. We believe that further steps should be done in Slovenia to increase the number of reported patients for liver transplantation due to posthepatitic liver cirrhosis giving them the opportunity for long term survival.
Descriptors     HEPATITIS B