Avtor/Urednik     Vander-Stichele, RH; Elseviers, MM; Ferech, M; Blot, S; Goossens, H; Čižman, Milan
Naslov     European surveillance of antimicorbial consumption (ESAC): data collection performance and methodological approach
Tip     članek
Vir     Br J Clin Pharmacol
Vol. in št.     Letnik 58, št. 4
Leto izdaje     2004
Obseg     str. 419-28
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Background. Europe is a continent with strong public healthcare systems, but diverging antibiotic policies and resistance patterns. Aims To describe the performance and methodological approach in a retrospective data collection effort (1997-2001), through an international network of surveillance systems, aiming to collect publidy available, comparable and reliable data on antibiotic use in Europe. Methods. A central multidisciplinary management team co-ordinated a network of national representatives, liasing with national data providers and bodies responsible for aniibiotic policy. The data collected were screened for bias, using a checklist. We focused on detection bias in sample and census data; errors in assigning medicinal product packages to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification (ATC); errors in calculations of defined dally doses (DDD) per package; bias by over-the-counter sales and parallel trade; and bias in ambulatory care (AC)/hospital care (HC) mix. Datasets were corrected after national feedback, and classified as valid; valid but with minor bias; not valid. Results. Of the 31 participating countries, 27 countries delivered AC data suitable for aossnational comparison (14 for zll 5 years). Of these, 17 couniries provided data on a quarterly basis for at least 1 year. For HC, 14 couniries were able to deliver valid data (nine for all 5 years). A valid estimate of the total exposure of national populations to human antibiotic consumption could be made in 17 countries. Conclusion. In cross-national comparisons of antibiotic consumption in Europe, methodological rigour in correcting for various sources of bias and checking the validity of ATC/DDD assignment is needed.
Deskriptorji     DRUG UTILIZATION