Avtor/Urednik     Wahl, Jana; Jevtič, Vanda
Naslov     SPP v Sloveniji - prvih 150 dni
Tip     članek
Vir     In: E-zdravje v Sloveniji. Zbornik kongresa Slovenskega društva za medicinsko informatiko; 2004 dec 1; Bled. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za medicinsko informatiko,
Leto izdaje     2004
Obseg     str. 158-65
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     This paper summarizes the characteristics and particularities of the introduction of the new payment system for hospitals in Slovenia - DRGs (Diagnosis Related Group). DRGs emerged in the 1980s as a means for classifying patients as a result of the increasing costs of hospital (acute) care and the need for rationalization of health care expenditures. As everywhere, where DRGs were introduced as a basis for the financing of health care, in Slovenia we expect the reduced length of stay and other benefits e.g. possibility to compare the efficiency of different hospitals. Since spring 2004, DRGs have stirred everyone in the health care system in Slovenia in two ways firstly, for its novelty in the health care system as a new means of payment in Slovenia, and secondly, for the challenges the health care system was facing in the first stage of the introduction of DRGs. Knowledge of professional cultures has proven to be a very successful tool in achieving motivation of different professional groups. This paper presents the most important characteristics of the diagnosis related groups and the challenges with which the Slovene health care system is facing five months after the initiation of DRGs. We point out some strategic decisions that Slovenia will have to be attentive to on this matter if it wants the introduction o DRGs to be successful, especially when it comes to continuous professional and organizational support for proper coding of diagnoses and procedures on the national and hospital level.
Deskriptorji     HOSPITAL COSTS