Author/Editor     Jus, Aleksander
Title     Kakovost v delu Centra za nujno medicinsko pomoč
Type     članek
Source     In: E-zdravje v Sloveniji. Zbornik kongresa Slovenskega društva za medicinsko informatiko; 2004 dec 1; Bled. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za medicinsko informatiko,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 221-30
Language     slo
Abstract     In emergency medicine, especially in prehospital setting, there are some specificities in medical treatment of patients; the patient is treated for deseases or injuries only for short critical time period, the procedures of medical treatment in the field are adjusted to specific environmental situations, sudden unexpected emergency events raise a curiosity in eyewitnesses and our actions are therefore under critical surveillance of community. Prehospital medical unit is qualified to intervene in emergency situations, the team members must be skilled to use sophisticated medical equipment and instruments and to intervene in concordance with principles of good medical practice. Despite sometimes unevoidable haste we have to strive for good communication with patients and to treat them by high ethical principles. For good quality in emergency medical treatment cooperation and support by other systems (police and fire department, dispatch service...) is inevitable. By changing the way of thinking in members of prehospital teams and with help of other. systems activated in cases of emergency the quality of work will reach the highest possible level not only by human, but also by technological criteria.