Author/Editor     Dodič-Fikfak, Metoda
Title     Poklicne bolezni v gradbeništvu
Translated title     Occupational diseases in construction
Type     članek
Source     Sanitas et labor
Vol. and No.     Letnik 3, št. 2
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 19-33
Language     slo
Abstract     Construction workers are among the most exposed workers in the industry. The incidence of accidents, occupational diseases and occupational disability is high comparing with other industries. The most common exposures are noise, asbestos, silica, vibrations, chemicals and ergonomic stressors. Construction workers are dying more frequently and younger then workers from other industries. Expected occupational diseases among them vary from asbestos disease to astma and musculoskeletal disorders. The objective of this artucle is to remind occupational physicians through the reviewed literature to the most common occupational diseases in construction industry and uncouraged them to sick for occupational disease.
Summary     Gradbeni delavci so med najbolj izpostavljenimi delavci v industriji. Incidenca paškodb pri delu, poklicnih bolezni in delavne invalidnosti je visoka v primerjavi z ostalimi industrijami. Najpogosteje so gradbeni delavci izpostavljeni hrupu, azbestu, kremenčevemu pesku, kemikalijam in ergonomskim stresorjem. Gradbeni delavci tudi umirajo pogosteje in prej kot delavci v drugih industrijskih panogah, seznam poklicnih bolezni, za katerimi zbolevajo, pa obsega vse od poklicnih kostno-mišičnih bolezni, naglušnosti, kožnih bolezni, bolezni dihal in rakov. Cilj tega članka je skozi pregledano literaturo opozoriti specialiste medicine dela, prometa in športa na najpogostejše poklicne bolezni med gradbenimi delavci in jih vzpodbuditi k odkrivaraju poklicnih bolezni.