Avtor/Urednik     Peternel, Darja; Tomšič, Marija
Naslov     Govorica barv v delovni terapiji
Prevedeni naslov     Language of colours in occupational therapy
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Tomšič M, Gričar N, Marušič V, et al, editors. Zbornik 40 let izobraževanja delovnih terapevtov Slovenije: človeku prijazni pristopi; 2004 maj 26-28; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Visoka šola za zdravstvo,
Leto izdaje     2004
Obseg     str. 146-56
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     In this work the significance of colours in relation to a human being, with the emphasis on symbolic and psycho-diagnostic value o.f colours, was studied. In the frame of occupational therapy and artistic expression as one of its sphere of activity, techniques of drawing and painting are mentioned where colour as a therapeutic means offers the strongest possibility of its use in therapeutic purposes. In the research work the analysis of the mode of artistic expression results in a description of the colour preference at hospitalised psychiatric clients with four different diagnoses. Preferred colours were: violet in the group of alcohol addiction, green and violet in the group of psychotic disturbances, blue in the group of personality disturbanees, and green in the group of neurotic disturbances. It can be stated that in all groups the colours prevail which imply the introvertivity. The highest amount of cold colours was used by the group of clients with psychotic disturbances. Due to such introvertive orientation of clients the art activity as a nonverbal mode of communication is reasonable and purposely indicated in the treatment with occupational therapy.
Deskriptorji     MENTAL DISORDERS