Author/Editor     Sket, Boris; Trontelj, Peter; Žagar, Cvetka
Title     Speleobiological characterization of the epikarst and its hydrological neighborhood: its role in dispersion of biota, its ecology and vulnerability
Type     članek
Source     In: Jones WK, Culver DC, Herman JS, editors. Proceedings of the symposium held of the Epikarst: Karst waters institute special publication 9; 2003 Oct 1-4; Shepherdstown. Charles Town: Karst waters institute,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 104-13
Language     eng
Abstract     The fissure system of the epikarst is ecologically intimately connected to deeper tissure systems above and around cave corridors. Its main characteristics are narrow spaces of down to capillary dimensions without stronger currents in its water-filled parts. Temperatures tluctuate stronger than in typical subterranean habitats. Upper parts of the system may be comparatively rich in food resources. The epikarst aquatic fauna can be investieated indirectly if the crevice system opens to the ceiling of a cave. Here, the dripping or the jet of percolated water can be filtered. Animals may also be caught in their very different secondary habitat - puddles fed by percolated water.
Descriptors     FRESH WATER