Author/Editor     Prestor, Borut
Title     Nevrokirurško zdravljenje deaferentacijske bolečine
Type     članek
Source     Rehabilitacija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 3, št. 3-4
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 28-32
Language     slo
Abstract     Deafferentatfon pain is caused by a damage of afferent fibers at periphery and central synaptic transmission in the spinal cord. In the treatment of the deafferentation pain the DREZ coagulation lesions have proved most effective. The purpose of the study is to describe the anatomy of the DREZ region, different surgical techniques used for the treatment of deafferentation pain, to demonstrate our method of junctional DREZ microcoagulation and clinical results of this method. 40 patients with different deafferentation pain syndromes were operated on at our department. The best results were achieved in the patients with brachial plexus avulsion. The results for other pain syndromes were good. The postoperative neurological complications were rare and transient in 15% of the patient. The technique of the junctional DREZ microcoagulation is very promising surgical method for the treatment of different deafferentation pain syndromes.
Summary     Prekinitev perifernih poti in centralnih senzoričnih preklopov v hrbtenjači povzroči deaferentacijsko bolečino (DB). Zdravljenje teh bolečin je uspešno z metodami koagulacije v področju vstopa zadnjih korenin v hrbtenjačo. Namen prispevka je opisati anatomijo DREZ (dorsal root entry zone), različne kirurške tehnike zdravljenja DB, lastno metodo zvezne DREZ mikrokoagulacije in klinične rezultate te metode. V študijo je bilo vključenih 40 bolnikov z različnimi sindromi DB. Najboljše rezultate smo dosegli pri bolnikih z izpuljenimi koreninami ramenskega pleteža, pri oetalih DB so bili rezultati dobri. Pooperativni nevrološki zapleti so bili redki in prehodni pri 15% bolnikov. Metoda zvezne DREZ mikrokoagulacije ponu,ja veliko možnosti za zdravljenje deaferentacijske centralne nociceptivne segmentne bolečine pri različnih bolečinskih sindromih.