Avtor/Urednik     Mehle, Nataša; Kovač, Maja; Petrovič, Nataša; Pompe-Novak, Maruša; Baebler, Špela; Krečič-Stres, Hana; Gruden, Kristina; Ravnikar, Maja
Naslov     Spread of potato virus Yntn in potato cultivars (Solanum tuberosum L.) with different levels of sensitivity
Tip     članek
Vir     Physiol Mol Plant P
Vol. in št.     Letnik 64
Leto izdaje     2004
Obseg     str. 293-300
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     The aim of this work was to correlate the appearance of the symptoms, multiplication and spread of virus after mechanical inoculation of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars showing different levels of susceptibility and sensitivity to Potato virus YNTN (PV YNT's). The potato cultivars used were the resistant cultivar Sante and susceptible cultivars Igor, Pentland squire and Desiree. The spread of the virus PVYNrY in infected plants was monitored using different methods: DAS-ELISA, tissue printing, immuno-serological electron microscopy and real-time PCR. In all three susceptible cultivars, the virus was detected in the inoculated leaves 4-5 days after inoculation. From there virus spread rapidly, first into the stem, then more or less simultaneously to the upper leaves and roots. Real-time PCR was shown to be very sensitive and enabled viral RNA to be detected in non-inoculated leaves of susceptible cultivar Igor earlier than other methods. Therefore, for exact studies of plant-virus interaction, a combination of methods which detect viruses on the basis of their different properties (coat protein, morphology or RNA) should be used to monitor the spread of viruses.
Deskriptorji     POTATOES