Author/Editor     Čebašek-Travnik, Zdenka
Title     Alcoholism treatment in Slovenia - from the past to the future
Type     članek
Source     Alcoholism Zagreb
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 2
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 139-44
Language     eng
Abstract     Slovenia is known as a country with high per capita consumption of alcohol that is among the highest in Europe and together with the "wet culture", produces a large extent of consequences of harmful use of alcohol. Alcoholism has been a health and social problem in Slovenia for at least two centuries. Before 1970, alcoholism was mainly treated from moralistic perspective with a very low level of medical knowledge. Medical treatment was available for few consequences of excessive alcohol use (withdrawal, polyneuropathy), but not for the disease (dependence) itself. "New era" began in early 1970s with the opening of alcoholism treatment departments in most of psychiatric hospitals and founding of Clubs of treated alcoholics (CTAs) according to Hudolin's model. In the early 1970s Slovenian professionals also star2ed their education in Western countries and brought different experiences and ideas. The most influential were: group psychotherapy and sociotherapy, therapeutic community, relapse treatment and prevention; psychofannacotherapy; addiction medicine; introduction of different psychotherapeutic methods and techniques. Modern treatment programs in Slovenia made a paradigm shift from (dependent) individual to (dependent) family. This reflects in all parts of treatment program: assessment, motivation for change, psychoeducation, psychotherapy (groups, family therapy) and aftercare. Psychofarmacotherapy became a substantial part of alcoholism treatment. The use of anxyolitics is more under control (dependency became very frequent). Future trends include cooperation with treatment programs for illegal drugs and with NGOs for aftercare. We are developing programs that will be more oriented towards the individual needs of patients and their families.
Descriptors     ALCOHOLISM