Author/Editor     Pajnkihar, Majda
Title     Odnos med teorijo in raziskovanjem v zdravstveni negi
Translated title     The relation between theory and research in nursing
Type     članek
Source     In: Kaluža J, Kljajić M, Leskovar R, et al, editors. Sinergija metodologij. Zbornik 24. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti; 2005 mar 16-18; Portorož. Kranj: Moderna organizacija,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 1296-303
Language     slo
Abstract     Research represents a link between theory and practice. The interconnection of theory, practice and research forms a basis for development of nursing as a profession supported by practice development. The discipline of nursing develops, tests and applies theories to practice with the purpose of improving the public quality of life. In the recent period an increasing need has arisen for the use of quantitative and qualitative research in the field of nursing disciplines. The qualitative research demands inductive research approach that enables the development of nursing theories. The quantitative research employs deductive research approach and enables the testing of nursing theories.
Descriptors     NURSING RESEARCH