Author/Editor     Kaučič, Boris Miha; Lahe, Milica
Title     Odnos medicinskih sester do vseživljenskega izobraževanja v postmoderni družbi - primer Zdravstveni dom Maribor
Translated title     The attitude of nurses towards life-long education in post-modern society - the case of Health centre of Maribor
Type     članek
Source     In: Kaluža J, Kljajić M, Leskovar R, et al, editors. Sinergija metodologij. Zbornik 24. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti; 2005 mar 16-18; Portorož. Kranj: Moderna organizacija,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 1365-72
Language     slo
Abstract     This contribution of work presents the nursing care providers attitude towards permanent or life long education. The aim of the two-year-lasting research was to find out what registered nurses attitudes are considering life long education in the Health Centre Maribor. Non-experimental - causal research method was used for empirical presentation of the problem. We found out that nurses pay great attention to professional up-grading and education in nursing care. Nurses insufficiently participate in professional programs with their own contributions, they are not very familiar with the usage of computer and the Internet for educational purposes. Stimulation for their up-grading come mostly from their families. Care providers are satisfied with their posts. They declare that additional knowledge is necessary for better professional work quality and they declare that their institutions enable them to take part in professional continuous up-grading and also cover great deal of educational costs.
Descriptors     NURSING CARE