Avtor/Urednik     Čelan, Dušan; Jesenšek-Papež, Breda; Lonzarić, Dragan
Naslov     Strokovna in racionalna fizikalna terapija v rehabilitacijski obravnavi bolnikov s periferno okvaro obraznega živca
Tip     članek
Vir     Rehabilitacija
Vol. in št.     Letnik 4, št. 1-2
Leto izdaje     2005
Obseg     str. 69-75
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Peripheral facial palsy is a sickness predominantly of viral etiology; that affects the conductivity of the facial nerve. The majority of patients recover during three months after the onset. The recovery is prolonged onlv in the minority of patients and several long lasting disabilities could be present abnormal function, unpleasant aesthetic view and communication problems. Physical therapy has a role in rehabilitation of patients with more pronounced facial nerve injury. Onlv the patients who do not improve in a period of three or four weeks are directed to physical therapy. The therapy is based on neuromuscular re-education and can be very prolonged. The other physical therapy modalities are used as well, but the electrostimulation which shows no beneficial effects or could be even harmfull.
Izvleček     Periferna okvara obraznega živca je obolenje, večinoma virusne etiologije, ki prizadene prevajanje po obraznem živcu. Pri večini bolnikov pričakujemo ozdravitev v obdobju do treh mesecev. Pri manjšem številu bolnikov pa je okrevanje lahko dolgotrajno ali pa ostanejo trajne okvare funkcije, videza in komuniciranja. Fizikalna terapija je del rehabilitacijske obravnave teh bolnikov s hujšo prizadetostjo obraznega živca. Na terapijo napotimo le bolnike, ki po treh do štirih tednih od začetka obolenja ne kažejo znakov izboljševanja. Postopki fizikalne terapije temeljijo na živčno-mišični reedukaciji, ki je lahko tudi dolgotrajna. Uporabljajo se tudi drugi postopki fizikalne terapije, razen elektrostimulacije, ki je nepotrebna ali celo škodljiva.
Deskriptorji     FACIAL PARALYSIS