Author/Editor     Bagar-Povše, Majda
Title     Biološka učinkovitost jodida iz naravne mineralne vode pri zdravih prostovoljcih
Translated title     Biological efficiency of iodide from natural mineral water on healthy volunteers
Type     članek
Source     In: Gašperlin L, Žlender B, editors. Sledljivost živil. 23. Bitenčevi živilski dnevi 2005; 2005 mar 31-apr 1; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za živilstvo,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 237-46
Language     slo
Abstract     In the article results of a prospective, comparative, clinical research on healtlry volunteers are presented. The effects of drinking natural mineral water Sicheldorfer Jožefov vrelec, rich with iodide and with the contents of at least 0.75 mg/L, was researched. The research included volunteers of both sexes, and in three sequences their systolic and diastolic blood pressure was measured, the number of etythrocytes, leukocytes in blood were analysed, and tbe concentrations of haetnoglobin, the pH of vein blood, the concentration of hydrogen carbonate, glucose, creatinine, urea and urates were determined. The sampled urine was analysed for creatinine and iodide, and the ratio between iodide and creatinine was defined. In the blood serum the concentration of thyroid hormones was determined, i.e. triiodotyronine, thyroxin and thyrotrophin. It was established that iodide is resorbed from the natural mineral water Sicheldorfer Jožefov vrelec and excreted in significantly increased quantities with urine. The average concentration of iodide in urine inereased. Also, the hormone thyrotrophin increased significantly from the average concentration of 1.49 mIU/L at the beginning of the research to 2.79 mUI/L after it, whereas there were no statistically important differences in the concentration of the thyroid hormones triiodotyronine and thyroxin. The relation of the hormones triiodotyronine and thyroxin is also influenced by selenium. It was established that there were no undesired side effects caused by drinking the natural mineral water Sicheldorfer Jožefov vrelec. There were also no changes in the acidobasic balance, despite higher intake of hydrogen carbonate ion from the natural mineral water. Based on the test results the safe and recommendable amount of the natural mineral water Sicheldorfer Jožefov vrelec to cover the necessary quantities of iodide for an adult person is 200 mL per day.
Descriptors     MINERAL WATERS