Author/Editor     Vengust, Rok
Title     Vertebroplastika
Translated title     Vertebroplasty
Type     članek
Source     In: Komadina R, Stahovnik A, editors. 5. Celjski dnevi. Zbornik izbranih predavanj simpozija o poškodbah in okvarah hrbtenice; 2005 apr 8-9; Celje. Celje: Splošna bolnišnica Celje,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 38-43
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Vertebroplasty is a new minimally invasive operative method used for treatment of osteoporotic vertebral fractures. The aim of vertebroplasfy is to diminish pain and to gain the mechanical stability of fracfured vertebra. Methods and Results. From June 2001 till December 2004 vertebroplasty was performed on 134 vertebrae in 92 patients. The mean age of patients at the operation was 53 years (24 to 81 years). The mean time interval from injury to operation was 17 days (1 to 90 days). Preoperatively the mean level of pain according to visual analogue scale was 6 (4 to 10), 24 hours after operation the mean pain level was 0 (0 to 4) and three months after the operation 0 (0 to 3). In seven patients minor leak of bone cement occured into the spinal canal during the procedure. No consequent nevrologic deficit was noted except in a pa tienf experiencing transient femoralis pain. Conclusions. In all our patients vertebroplasty was followed by total resolution of pain inside the first 24 hours. In the hands of experienced spinal surgeon vertebroplasty proved to be a safe method which enables the patient to proceed with an active lifestyle despite osteoporotic fractures of vertebrae.
Descriptors     OSTEOPOROSIS