Author/Editor     Kos, Nataša; Sedej, Bogdana
Title     Uporaba ocenjevalnih lestvic pri bolnikih po operativnem zdravljenju degenerativnih sprememb lumbalnega dela hrbtenice
Translated title     Evaluation of the patient complaint after operative treatment of degenerative changes of lumbar spine
Type     članek
Source     In: Komadina R, Stahovnik A, editors. 5. Celjski dnevi. Zbornik izbranih predavanj simpozija o poškodbah in okvarah hrbtenice; 2005 apr 8-9; Celje. Celje: Splošna bolnišnica Celje,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 137-42
Language     slo
Abstract     The need for measurements in medicine is recognized worldwide. Functional outcome measurements are a universal language which makes them ideal for communication among clinicians. Several scales are used for evaluation of the patient's complaints (problems) with spinal disorders. They are used all over the world but in Slovenia the scales are used only for research purposes and not in daily clinical practice. The article presents the results of the measurement with Ronald & Morris disability questionnaire and Oswestry chronic low back pain questionnaire on 30 patients with low back pain and after surgical treatment.
Descriptors     LOW BACK PAIN