Avtor/Urednik     Kocjan, Tomaž
Naslov     Dolgotrajno zdravljenje osteoporoze z alendronatom
Prevedeni naslov     Treatment of osteoporosis with alendronat
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Komadina R, Stahovnik A, editors. 5. Celjski dnevi. Zbornik izbranih predavanj simpozija o poškodbah in okvarah hrbtenice; 2005 apr 8-9; Celje. Celje: Splošna bolnišnica Celje,
Leto izdaje     2005
Obseg     str. 235-8
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Alendronate is a potent bisphosphonate, which has been in clinical use for a decade, therefore it is important to know its long-term efficacy and safety, Data of Alendronate Phase III Trial and Fracture Intervention Trial (FIT) extensions showed mild increase of bone mineral density (BMD) and sustained suppression of bone remodeling markers in patients with osteoporosis, who were treated with alendronate for ten years. There was a modest increase of bone remodeling markers in patients, who were receiving placebo for the last five years, to levels clearly lower than before any treatment. In the latter group BMD of the spine remained stable and BMD of the hip decreased. There were no difference in hip fracture rate and other nonvertebral fracture rate between the two groups. Prolonged treatment with alendronafe for ten years significantly decreased vertebral fracture rate when compared with placebo for five years after alendronate for five years. In conclusion, long-term treatment with alendronate beyond five years is safe, however, our decision for or against it should be based on an individual patient's fracture risk estimate.
Deskriptorji     OSTEOPOROSIS