Author/Editor     Arnež, Zoran M
Title     Rekonstrukcije dojke po mastektomiji na Kliničnem oddelku za plastično kirurgijo in opekline Kliničnega centra Ljubljana v letu 2004
Translated title     Breast reconstructions following mastectomy in University department for plastic surgery and burns of the Ljubljana University medical centre in the year 2004
Type     članek
Source     In: Repše S, editor. 40. kirurški dnevi. Zbornik predavanj 40. podiplomski tečaj iz kirurgije; 2005 feb 11-12; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Klinični center, Kirurška klinika,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 136-43
Language     slo
Abstract     In the year 2004 70 breasts were reconstructed following mastectomy in the University department for plastic surgery and burns of the Ljubljana University Medical Centre. There were 45 primary and 25 secondary reconstructions. 70% of reconstructions were autologous, in 30% implants/expanders were used. In 39 cases autologous reconstruction by the use of free flap transfer was carried out with 97,4% success rate. The number of breast reconstructions following mastectomy in Ljubljana is growing.The same applies for primary reconstructions. All reconstructive methods are being used. It is our opinion that breast reconstruction following mastectomy should take place only in centers where team work with oncologic surgeons is practised and where reconstructive surgeons master all reconstructive techniques so that they are able to select the most appropriate one for each individual patient.
Descriptors     BREAST NEOPLASMS