Author/Editor     Reberšak, Irena
Title     Dolgotrajna rehabilitacija in zagotavljanje kvalitete življenja po nezdni možganski poškodbi
Translated title     Long term continuum of care - rehabilitation and quality of lifer reassurance after TBI
Type     članek
Source     In: Košorok V, Grabljevec K, editors. Poškodba glave - vpliv celovite nevrorehabilitacijske obravnave na funkcijski izid. Zbornik predavanj 16. dnevi rehabilitacijske medicine; 2005 mar 18-19; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Inštitut Republike Slovenije za rehabilitacijo,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 271-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Program is committed to help those who have experienced brain injuries, as well as supporting their families and additionally performs preventative action in the broader social environment. Our activities are carried out in a day care program and an institutionalized care program. In these two programs we provide high-quality expert assistance, care, rehabilitation, as well as educational and occupational programs tailored to the needs of each individual. Our goal is to reach the highest possible level of independence forpeople, who have experienced severe brain injuries, their active inclusion into the living environment, and the unburdening of their families.
Descriptors     BRAIN INJURIES