Author/Editor     Tetičkovič, Erih
Title     Tridimenzionalna ultrasonografija karotidnega debla
Type     članek
Source     In: Blinc A, Kozak M, Šabovič M, editors. Slikovne metode v odkrivanju in zdravljenju žilnih bolezni. Letno srečanje Združenja za žilne bolezni SZD; 2005 maj; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Združenje za žilne bolezni,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 83-93
Language     slo
Abstract     Two-dimensional ultrasonography of the carotid trunk is the most often perfomed investigation in management of cerebrovascular diseases. Three-dimensional ultrasonography represents an important upgrade which opens new diagnostic possibilities and enables even greater precision and reliability of the investigation. Three-dimensional imaging of the particular segment of the carotid trunk with magnification enables analysis of the artery in its whole range. Precise investigation of intima with reveals even small, early atherosclerotic plaques and opens new possibilities in research of atheroselerosis in high- risk groups. It allows UZ to precisely analyse dimension, volume, motion and structure of the plaque. Computed analysis of three-dimensional imaging of the plaque in multi-slices gives precise data on structure of the plaque, which is important for decision-making in surgical treatment of asymptomatic carotid stenosis. Three-dimensional ultrasonography allows UZ reliable differentation between subtotal stenosis and occlusion of the internal carotid artery, which is of great importance for prompt surgical treatment of subtotal stenosis.