Author/Editor     Prešern-Štrukelj, Metka; Erjavec, Tatjana
Title     Pomen koronarne in možganskožilne bolezni za rehabilitacijo po amputaciji spodnje okončine
Type     članek
Source     In: Blinc A, Kozak M, Šabovič M, editors. Slikovne metode v odkrivanju in zdravljenju žilnih bolezni. Letno srečanje Združenja za žilne bolezni SZD; 2005 maj; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Združenje za žilne bolezni,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 193-6
Language     slo
Abstract     This paper describes the rehabilitation program of patients with amputation of lower extremities caused by peripheral arterial disease who also have coronary and cerebrovascular comorbidity. The only rehabilitation goal in amputee patients is to walk with the prosthesis, which is a procedure demanding more energy than normal walking. This depends on the amputation level and comorbidity. Amputee patients with coronary heart disease are at greatest risk for further cardiovascular ischemic events during rehabilitation process. Therefore prerehabilitation stress testing should be performed. Rehabilitation of patients with dual disability - lower extremity amputation and hemiplegia after stroke is very hard. The rehabilitation outcome depends of the patient's cooperation, neurological deficit and level of the lower extremity amputation.
Descriptors     AMPUTATION