Avtor/Urednik     Šarenac, S
Naslov     Vloga prehrane pri kronični vnetni črevesni bolezni
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Gregorič A, editor. Otrok s kronično črevesno boleznijo, bolečina pri otroku, zdravstveno varstvo otrok in mladine: organizacija, stroka, denar. Zbornik 15. srečanje pediatrov v Mariboru z mednarodno udeležbo in 2. srečanje medicinskih sester z mednarodno udeležbo; 2005 apr 15-16; Maribor. Maribor: Splošna bolnišnica Maribor,
Leto izdaje     2005
Obseg     str. 227-32
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Digestive system diseases may injure various parts human digestive tract thus causing inconvenience, which is mostly related to patient's diet. Inadequate food consumption at chronical-inflammatory bowel diase can lead to severe malnutrition and worsening of the illness. Scarcity of essential nutritients induces stagnation of growth and development at children, causes bad mood, tiredness, lowers ability of a proper immune response and generally worsens the pathological state. Patients must be supplied with all the essential nutritients, using an appropriate nutrition, namely protective - healthy food. Also one's regime and manner of consuming food to be coordinated with an appropriate composition of food intake and individual's own energy needs. An adequate nutrition at patients with chronical-inflammatory bowel disease is a preposition to elimination of problems regarding the illness and leads to general improvement of patients mood.