Author/Editor     Godec, Marija
Title     Dihanje in bolečina
Translated title     Respiration and pain
Type     članek
Source     In: Potočnik MM, editor. Respiracijska in kardiovaskularna fizioterapija. Gradivo 22. podiplomskega strokovnega seminarja; 2003 nov; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Društvo fizioterapevtov Slovenije,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 3-7
Language     slo
Abstract     Pain is an awareness of acute or chronic discomfort, occurring in varying degress of severity, and resulting from injury, disease, or emotional distress as evidenced by biological and/or behavioral changes. Acute pain results from a traumatic, surgical, or infectious event that is abrupt in an onset and relatively short in duration. It is generally alleviated by analgesics. After surgery or trauma to the chest or abdominal region, respiratory dysfunction is the most common and most important result of the pain that is associated with such situantions. Overall, pain impedes mobility, drains mental and physical energy and causes sleep loss, anxiety and feelings of helplessnes. Poor post-operative pain relief has also been shown to impair respiratory function, e.g. cough inhibition causes retention of secretions and pulmonary infection.These factors can potentially be improved through adequate pain relief. Potential benefits of optimal post-operative pain management are improved rate of recovery, improved patient comfort, improved pulmonary function, so reduced incidence of pulmonary complications , thromboembolic complications, gastrointestinal impairment, urinary retention, immunological impairment, better mortality rate in hig-risk patients and not the last healthcare costs.