Author/Editor | Zakšek, Barbara; Garbajs, Maja; Denac, Damijan | |
Title | Odnos ljudi do zlatovranke Coracias garrulus na posebnem območju varstva (SPA) "Doli Slovenskih goric" | |
Translated title | The people's attitude towards European roller Coracias garrulus at "Doli Slovenskih goric", a special protected area (SPA) in NE Slovenia | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Acrocephalus | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 25, št. 122 | |
Publication year | 2004 | |
Volume | str. 153-5 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | The main objective of the research was to determine the willingness of the locals to take active part in the conservation of European Roller Coracias garrulus in the Special Protected Area (SPA) Doli slovenskih goric. The area is interwoven by traditional cultural landscape, created and maintained by the local people. No conservation projects have been carried out in the SPA so far, and our goal was to establish the people's general attitude towards the species and its conservation. Simultaneously we gathered the Roller's folk names in the area and data on the species' Former and present distribution. Data were obtained with the aid of questionnaire filled by the locals. 203 people took part, 100 men and 103 women, all aged above 30. Most commonly used folk names for the Roller were »zlatovrenka and »zlatovranka«, the last being its regular name in Slovenia. The name »zlatovrenka« was used in derivanves »zlatovrenkla« and »zlatovrenklja«. Less frequently used names were »laška vrana and zlata vrana«. The people told us about seven breeding sites of the Roller. Six were abandoned and one was still active. Half of all participators were willing to take active part in the conservation regarding the hird under consideration, one quarter refused to participate, and one quarter of them were ambivalent. We believe that the introduction of a conservatiov project including the locals and based on promotion of the traditional way of land-use could be a successful way for the conservation of this critically endangered species in Slovenia. | |
Summary | Na posebnem območju varstva Doli slovenskih goric smo ugotavljali, ali so Ijudje pripravljeni aktivno sodelovati pri varstvu zlatovranke Coracias garrulus. Zbirali smo tudi ljudska imena za zlatovranko in podatke o njeni nekdanji in trenutni razširjenosti. Anketirali smo 203 domačine, 100 moških in 103 ženske, vsi so bili starejši od 30 let. Ljudje so za zlatovranko najpogosteje - uporabljali imeni zlatovrenka in zlatovrarzka, redkeje pa Laška vrana in zlata vrana. Ime zlatovrenka so uporabljali v izpeljankah zlatovrerzkla in zlatovrenklja. Od domačinov smo izvedeli za njenih sedem nekdanjih gnezdišč, in polovica anketiranih je bila pripravljena aktivno sodelovati pri njenem ohranjanju. Zlatovranka je zato primerna karizmatična vrsta z velikim varstvenim potencialom na obravnavanem območju. Menimo, da bi bila izvedba projekta varstva zlatovranke z aktivno vlogo domačinov uspešen način za ohranitev in povečanje populacije te močno ogrožene vrste v Sloveniji. | |