Author/Editor     Velenik, Vaneja
Title     Solidni tumorji ter nova spoznanja pri zdravljenju bolnikov z rakom
Translated title     Solid tumors and new developments in cancer patients treatment
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 44, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 51-4
Language     slo
Abstract     Research into molecular biology of cancer has revealed critical differences between normal and tumor cells and has pinpointed key processes that regulate the growth and progression of cancers.This in turn has allowed the development of agents that specifically target these molecules and pathways. The concept behind cancer treatment has thus evolved from systemic, non-specific chemotherapy to target therapy. Such novel target therapies include those that can inhibit the function of cell growth factors or their receptors that are essential for signal transduction, block angiogenesis which is required for tumor growth and metastases, and enhance apoptosis - strategies designed to suppress the expression of specific genes.
Summary     Raziskave na področju molekularne biologije so odkrile pomembne razlike med normalnimi in tumorskimi celicami ter prikazale ključne procese, ki uravnavajo njihovo rast in širjenje po telesu. Ta spoznanja so omogočila izdelavo zdravil, ki se značilno vpletajo v te molekularne procese. Tako se je lahko zdravljenje določenih vrst raka preusmerilo od sistemske nespecifične kemoterapije k tarčnemu zdravljenju. K temu sodi npr. zdravljenje z zdravili, ki: (1) zavirajo delovanje celičnih rastnih dejavnikov ali receptorjev, potrebnih za prenašanje signalov; (2) zavirajo nastajanje krvnih žil, potrebnih za rast tumorja in metastaz; in (3) pospešujejo apoptozo - strategija zaviranja izražanja značilnih genov.
Descriptors     NEOPLASMS