Author/Editor     Švab, Igor
Title     Deset dilem v odnosu med zdravnikom in bolnikom
Translated title     The dilemmas in the doctor-patient relationship
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 44, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 187-94
Language     slo
Abstract     The doctor-patient relationship is a key element of treatment success in family medicine. Within this relationship, physicians face certain dilemmas that determine their role towards the patient. These dilemmas are specific of family medicine and the answers to them determine the style of communication. The article describes some key dilemmas, but does not provide the answers. This is because the solution is often individual and physicians should know the principles of the discipline and their own personality.
Summary     Odnos med zdravnikom in bolnikom je v družinski medicini ključen za uspeh zdravljenja. V tem odnosu se mora zdravnik soočiti z nekaterimi ključnimi dilemami, ki opredeljujejo njegov odnos do bolnika. Te dileme so značilne za družinsko medicino in odgovori nanje določajo njegov slog sporazumevanja z bolniki. V prispevku so navedene nekatere ključne dileme, ki se pojavljajo, ne pa tudi odgovori nanje. Rešitev teh dilem je največkrat individualna in terja od zdravnika, da pozna principe stroke, pa tudi lastno osebnost.
Descriptors     FAMILY PRACTICE