Avtor/Urednik     Mičetić-Turk, D; Kokol, P; Turk, Z; Blažun, H
Naslov     Continuing professional education and work-integrated learning - a necessary condition for nurses' professional development
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Global workforce development: defining, developing, and managing. 14th world conference on cooperative education; 2005 Jun 14-17; Massachusetts. Boston: World association for cooperative education,
Leto izdaje     2005
Obseg     str. 1-11
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     When we speak about nurse education we speak about education that is closely related to the psychological, sociological, philosophical, medical and, above all, specific professional education of nurses. A nurse must have a profound professional knowledge, and also pedagogical and psychological knowledge. Higher professional education must provide nurses with competences to assure high quality nursing care. Both undergraduate higher professional education and postgraduate education have taken an important task of educational renewal, and are becoming a constituent part of the reform strategy. The renewal, however, is possible only if nurses are prepared for changes and theyaccept these as the needs of time and society, if they play an active rolein the implementation of these changes, and if they feel professional and moral support from external factors. Continuing professional education of nurses as well as work-integrated learning is a necessary condition for nurses' professional development and for achieving a broader scope in their decision making. It is important that continuing professional education and work-integrated learning places enough stress on the development of creativity, sense of discovery and ability to take initiative. Professional education of nurses is becoming a part of nurses' job requirements. The existing needs for professional education can be met only by appropriate programs. Programs which meet nurses interests and needs increase their motivation for continuing professional education.