Author/Editor     Freitag, T; Meh, D
Title     Bolečinski sindromi pri multipli sklerozi
Translated title     Pain sindroms in multiple sclerosis
Type     članek
Source     Fizioterapija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 13, št. 1
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 26-30
Language     slo
Abstract     Objectives: Patients suffering from multiple sclerosis develop a myriad of symptoms which are the consequence of the demyelinating process, and one of the most disturbing symptoms is pain. The purpose of this article is to describe the various pain syndromes affecting patients with multiple sclerosis, as well as the methods of physiotherapy for reduction of pain. Acute, subacute and chronic pain syndromes are described. Methods: A review of professional literaturc has been done with the help of the internet and different browsers (Scirus, Web of Science, Pubmed) and libraries. Articles since 1984 on have been collected. Results: Pain and multiple sclerosis are often connected as the newest researches prove that pain affects 13-80% patients with multiple sclerosis. At 20% of patients, pain, is one of the first symptoms. Among the acute pain syndromes the most frequently occurring pain is neuralgia. Chronic pains are the worst, especially the dysesthetic pain in the limbs. Many patients confront the pain already in the early stages of the disease. The pain is more frequent at patients who have been ill for quite some time and spastic patients. Conclusion: Recently pain as a symptom of multiple sclerosis has been given more serious treatment and attention as it can seriously affect the quality of the patient's life, physically as well as psychologically.
Summary     Namen: Bolniki z multiplo sklerozo razvijejo številne simptome in znake, ki so posledica demielinizacijskega procesa. Med njimi je eden od najbolj obremenjujočih bolečina. Namen prispevka je predstaviti različne bolečinske sindrome, ki prizadenejo bolnike z multiplo sklerozo, omenjene pa so tudi fizioterapevtske metode in tehnike za lajšanje bolečin. Opisani so akutni, subakutni in kronični bolečinski sindromi. Metode dela: Pregled strokovne literature s pomočjo medmrežja in različnih iskalnikov (Scirus, Web of Science, Pubmed) ter knjižnic. Članki so izbrani od leta 1984 naprej. Rezultati: Bolečina in multipla skleroza sta pogosto povezani, saj prva po najnovejših raziskavah prizadene od 13 do 80 odstotkov bolnikov z multiplo sklerozo. Pri 20 odstotkih bolnikov je eden od prvih simptomov. Med akutnimi bolečinskimi sindromi je najbolj pogosta bolečina nevralgija trivejnega živca. Najhujše so kronične bolečine, med katerimi največ težav povzročajo dizestetične bolečine v okončinah. Veliko bolnikov se sreča z bolečino že zgodaj po začetku bolezni. Pogostejša je pri dlje bolnih in spastičnih bolnikih. Sklep: Bolečino kot simptom multiple skleroze vse več strokovnjakov zelo resno obravnava ter ji namenja čedalje več pozornosti, saj lahko slabo vpliva na kakovost bolnikovega življenja, tako po fizični kot psihični strani.