Avtor/Urednik     Krečič-Stres, H; Vučak, C; Ravnikar, M; Kovač, M
Naslov     Systemic potato virus YNTN infection and levels of salicylic and gentisic acids in different potato genotypes
Tip     članek
Vir     Plant Pathol
Vol. in št.     Letnik 54
Leto izdaje     2005
Obseg     str. 441-7
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Endogenous levels of free and conjugated salicylic (SA) and gentisic (GA) acids, both putative signal molecules in plant defence, were analysed in order to investigate their involvement in the resistance of four potato (Solanum tuberosum) genotypes with different susceptibilities to Potato virus YNTN (PVYNTN) infection: the highly susceptible cv. Igor and its extremely resistant transgenic line, the extremely resistant cv. Sante and the tolerant cv. Pentland Squire. The lowest levels of free and conjugated SA were observed in the extremely resistant cv. Sante, while free GA, which was detected in all the other varieties, was absent. The extremely resistant transgenic cv. Igor contained the highest basal total SA level and the lowest level of total GA of all four cultivars. In susceptible cv. Igor, but not in resistant transgenic cv. Igor, a systemic increase of free SA was measured 1 day postinfection (dpi). Even more significant increases of free and conjugated SA and GA were detected 11 dpi when systemic symptoms appeared. In inoculated but not in upper noninoculated leaves of resistant transgenic cv. Igor, significant increase of SA conjugates occurred, but not before 11 dpi. The increase of SA and GA in susceptible cv. Igor could contribute to the general elevated levels of phenolic compounds as a response to stress caused by virus infection. It appears that basal levels of SA and GA do not correlate with resistance to PVYNTN in potato plants.
Deskriptorji     POTYVIRUS