Avtor/Urednik     Pirnat, Nina; Lužnik-Bufon, Tatjana; Škerl, Marjeta
Naslov     Nadzor epidemiološkega dogajanja v domovih za ostarele v Sloveniji
Prevedeni naslov     Infection contol of residential homes for the elderly in Slovenia
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Berger T, Dobeic M, Vudrag M, editors. Preventiva pred širjenjem zoonoz in drugih nalezljivih bolezni v okolju. Zbornik referatov 2. interdisciplinarni simpozij DDD, zdravje in okolje z mednarodno udeležbo; 2004 okt 22; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Slovenska veterinarska zveza, Sekcija za DDD in higieno okolja,
Leto izdaje     2004
Obseg     str. 54-61
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The number of older persons in residential homes for the eldery is continously increasing in Slovenia. The role of such institutions have been changed in the last years; more and more residents require constant nursing and also medical care. The national surveillance of communicable diseases doesnt't provide enough datas to make complete epidemiological assesment about infections in residential homes for the eldery. The diagnosis of infections in eldery is sometimes very difficult. The comparisons of published data about infections among residents in long-term care facilites are uncertain. Varios criteria or definitions are used for description of infections and also of long- term care facilities. These facilities may be very heterogeneous in resident's demografics and adherence to infection control practices. The most frequently reported infections among residents in residental homes in Slovenia in the period 1999-2003 were acute gastroenteritis, many of them in outbreaks, followed by scabies, erisipelas, pneumonia with unknown agent, bacterial foodborne intoxication and dermatophytosis. The acute respiratory infections among residents can be measured indirectly only by the number of reported pneumonia, which is one the most common complications of acute respiratory infections. Pneumonia is the most lethal infection in residents. Influenza vaccination is one of the most effective measures in reducing acute respiratory infections, pneumonia, hospitalisation or death in residents. Annual influenza vaccination is recommended for both staff and residents of the residential homes for elderly. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)
Deskriptorji     HOMES FOR THE AGED