Author/Editor     Zorko-Brodnik, A; Radolli, L; Lovše, E; Vouk, B
Title     Delež šolske mladine z motnjami ostrine vida, ugotovljene s presejalno in diagnostično metodo
Type     članek
Source     In: Juričič M, editor. Zdrava mladina, naša bodočnost! Zbornik prispevkov 4. kongres šolske in visokošolske medicine Slovenije; 2005 sep 16-17; Maribor. Ljubljana: Slovensko zdravniško društvo, Sekcija za šolsko in visokošolsko mladino,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 72-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of two different screening procedures for the detection of visual acuity in comparison with a complete visual exam by an ophthalmologist. Methods: Children attending regular systematic check ups-from the first, third, fifth and seventh grade in the school year 2003/4 were included in the study. We used two different screening procedures-the Snellen tables and the R 7 apparatures and we compared them with the ophthalmologists exam. We also compared the results according to region, sex and age. Result: 621 children were included in the study. The results different somewhat with the s usage of different methods. We detected some false positive values when using the apparatus R 7 method, especially in first grade children. The differences between the two methods, though, were not statistically significant. Conclusion: We conclude that the apparatus R 7 method is not suitable for children under the age of six years, since they accommodate during the procedure. The results of these screening methods are compatible with the number of patients with errors of visual acuity recorded by the Slovenian Office of National Statistics.