Author/Editor | Toplak, Nataša; Kopriva, Silvester; Baloh-Grošelj, Mojca | |
Title | Podkožni obrazni emfizem in pnevmomediastinum kot zaplet pri zdravljenju zoba | |
Translated title | Subcutaneous facial emphysema and pneumomediastinum after root canal therapy | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Zdrav Vestn | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 74, št. 9 | |
Publication year | 2005 | |
Volume | str. 525-7 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | Background. Subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum is a rare complication after head and neck surgery and very rare complication in dentistry, particulary if it is caused by treatment of a root canal. Most cases resolve spontaneously but life-threatening complications that require emergency intervention are possible. The most common causes of pneumomediastinum in children are trauma, asthma exacerbations and infections. latrogenic and spontaneous pneumomediastinum in children is not common. We present a 17 year old female patient with subcutaneous emphysema starting on the, face and subsequently extending into the neck and mediastinum following treatment of a tooth root canal. Subcutaneous emphysema resolved in three days and pain as a symptom of pneumomediastinum subsided in one day after oxygen administration and antibiotic treatment. The article also discuses other possible causes of facial emphysema and pneumomediastinum, clinical and radiographic findings associated with this complication and reviews diagnostic consideration and management. Conclusions. Pneumomediastinum is a very rare complication of dental treatment. However, it should be taken into account in case of a tipical clinical presentation. | |
Summary | Izhodišča. Podkožni emfizem in pnevmomediastinum sta redka zapleta pri kirurških posegih v področju glave in vratu, še redkeje pa pride do omenjenih zapletov pri zdravljenju zob. Ob kopičenju zraka v mediastinumu so možni tudi zapleti, ki ogrožajo življenje. Najpogostejši vzrok pnevmomediastinuma pri otrocih so poškodbe, poslabšanja astme in okužbe, redkeje pa je vzrok iatrogeni ali celo spontan. V prispevku opisujemo primer podkožnega emfizema lica, veke, brade, vratu in pnevmomediastinum kot zaplet pri zdravjenju zoba pri 17-letnem dekletu. Ob čiščenju koreninskih kanalov je nastal podkožni emfizem obraza ter posledično pnevmomediastinum. Znaki podkožnega emfizema so izginili v treh dneh, bolečine v prsnem košu kot posledica pnevmomediastinuma pa v enem dnevu. Prispevek opisuje tudi druge možne vzroke obraznega emfizema in pneumomedicustinuma, simptome in znake bolezni, diagnostiko in zdravljenje ter zaplete. Zaključki. Kopičenje zraka v mediastinumu kot posledica pri zdravljenju zoba je zelo redek zaplet, vendar je ob sumljivi klinični sliki potrebno pomisliti tudi na tako redke zaplete in ustrezno ukrepati. | |