Author/Editor     Gorenc, Špela
Title     Vadba ekspiratornih dihalnih mišic pri bolnikih s kronično obstruktivno boleznijo pljuč
Translated title     Training of expiratory breathing muscles at patients with cronical obstructive pulmonary disease
Type     monografija
Place     Ljubljana
Publisher     Univerza v Ljubljani, Visoka šola za zdravstvo
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 43
Language     slo
Abstract     The background: cronical obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and physiotherapeutic treatment of patients with COPD are presented in my diploma. There is an emphasis on training of expiratory breathing muscles, because the research was mainly planed on this theme. A theoretical aproach is described in the first part, the research about training of expiratory breathing muscles is described in the second part. The aim: we know, that training of any kind of muscles increases their power and maintenance. Based on that, we were interested if that method also works out on expiratory muscles. To find out, we have choosen the suitable expedient and assemble the programme of training. The methods: all the patients, who were choosen to collaborate in the research, had to come to Golnik Hospital twice, where they were tested. The patients, who were assigned in the treated group, had to train their breathing muscles at home. After one month of training their expiratory breathing muscles, we tested them again. The patients in control group did not have to train at home. The results: out of sixty-seven patients suited for the research, only thirty-two patients were prepared to collaborate. And only twenty-seven patients insist to the end of the research. All the patients in the treated group have improved their condition. Dispnea decreased with MRC scale from 2,4+/-0.7 points to 2,1+/-0,6 points, and with Borg scale from 3+/-1,4 points to 2,4+/-0,9. Vital capacity has increesed from 2430,5+/-718,5 ml to 2467,2+-685,6 ml. Also the forced expiratory volume in first second increesed from 1350+/-638,7 ml to 1480,5+/-690,5 ml, and maximal expiratory preasure from 113+/-44,9 cm H2O. Statisticaly the only thing that was non significant is the life quality wich decreesed from 37,3+/-10,6 points to 28,9+/-9,4. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)