Author/Editor     Poles, Janez; Hižar, Blaženka
Title     Polar fitnes test pri srčnih bolnikih
Translated title     Polar fitnes test and the patients with heart diseases
Type     članek
Source     In: Križman I, editor. Interna medicina 2005: novosti in aktualnosti. Zbornik predavanj 2. kongres Združenja internistov SZD; 2005 okt 21-22; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Slovensko zdravniško društvo, Združenje internistov,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 343-5
Language     slo
Abstract     We used ergospirometry for evaluation of individual physical capacity. On the basis of O2 consumption or the reached METs, we classify the patients (pts) in functional classes. Very often we perform only exercise tests without the measurement of O2 consumption and we calculated VO2 max. Some years ago POLAR surprised us with FITNES TEST (FT). On the basis of heart rate variability, FT defines individual physical capacity. We have to enter sex, hight, weight, age and physical activity in heart rate monitor. Than we have to relax and wait for five minutes most. The results classify each individual according to sex and age in one of 7 classes. The results are comparable with the consumption of VO2 max. The coeffitient of corelattion is 0.97 and the averaga mistake is 6.5%. After ergospirometry on Schillers CS 200, we performed Polar FITNES TEST and defined FITNES INDEX (FI) according to 90 pts with the average age of 53 (from 18 to 86). We used heart rate monitor POLAR-model M 51. Among pts, there were 28 women. There were no statistical differences in the age and BMI. The difference between VO2 and FI is 4.8%, among women 4.1% and among men 5.2%. With the pts after 65. the difference is 8.6%. We also analized the influence of medicaments. With the pts with BB, the diference between VO2 and FI is 7.4%, with ACE inhibitors 3.8%, calcium antagonist 4.2%, diuretics 5.6% and sedatives 2.3%.
Descriptors     HEART DISEASES