Author/Editor     Škibin, Ljubislava
Title     Sum na poklicno okvaro sluha pri delavcih Kemiplasa in Alcan Tomos Koper
Translated title     The suspicion of occupational disease caused by noise in workers of Kemiplas and Alcan Tomos Koper
Type     članek
Source     Sanitas et labor
Vol. and No.     Letnik 4, št. 1
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 69-86
Language     slo
Abstract     In a retrospeciive study the influence of harmful noise and chemical otogenous risk factors for the development of occupational damage to hearing have been studied in 70 blue-collar workers of the Kemiplas chemical industry and trade and in 73 blue-collar workers of the Alcan Tomos Koper metal-working industry. The noise levels depended on the working environments of the exposed workers, i.e. from 70 to 99 db (A) in Kemiplas and from 79 to 111 db(A) in Alcon Tomos. The suspicion of chronic moderate and severe occupational damage to hearing has been confirmed in 14% of all workers without taking into account age-related correction of hearing loss and only in 7% of all the exposed workers when considering age-related correction of hearing loss. In the group of workers from Alcan Tomos suspicion aroused in 9.6% of the cases without the correction and in the group of workers from Kemiplas in 10.6%. It has been determined that occupational damage to hearing is caused by age, length of exposure to harmful noise and chemical substances. Safety measures have been proposed for work in a noisy environment.
Summary     V retrospektivni raziskavi smo proučevali vpliv škodljivega hrupa kemičnih otogenih dejavnikov tveganja na nastanek poklicne okvare sluha pri proizvodnih delavcih kemične industrije in trgovine Kemiplas in 73 proizvodnih delavcih kovinskopredelovalne industrije Alcan Tomos Koper. Ravni hrupa so bile odvisne od delovnih okolij izpostavljenih delavcev in sicer v Kemiplasu od 70 do 99 dB(A), v Alcan Tomos od 79 do lll dB(A). Sum na kronično, srednje težko in zelo težko poklicno okvaro sluha smo ugotovili pri 14% vseh delavcev, brez upoštevanja starostne korekcije izgube sluha, po starostni korekciji izgube sluha pa le pri 7% vseh izpostavljenih delavcev. V skupini delavcev Alcan Tomos je bil brez korekcije postavljen sum v 9, 6% primerov, v skupini delavcev Kemiplasa pa v 10,6%. Ugotovili smo, da na poklicno okvaro sluha vpliva starost, trajanje izpostavljenosti škodljivemu hrupu in kemične snovi. Predlagani so ukrepi varnosti pri delu v hrupu.