Author/Editor     Šmit, Majda
Title     Odnos med materjo z rakom dojke in njenimi otroki ter njihovo doživljanje materine bolezni. (1. del)
Translated title     The relationship between mother with breast cancer and her children and the experiencing of their mother's disease. (Part 1)
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. 3
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 195-200
Language     slo
Abstract     The article deals with the experiencing of children whose mother has breast cancer. The survey of literature brings theoretical aspects of the role and functioning of the family with a cancer patient, followed by the description of how a mother should tell the children about her disease and their reactions to it. The role of the nurse in education, advocacy and support is presented. Post-graduate training in oncology nursing is strongly recommended, with the stress on holistic assistance to women with breast cancer (breast cancer nurse). In the conclusion, the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication between mother and her child is stressed. Additional forms of help that could enhance communication among breast cancer patients and their relatives are also described. Propositions should be prepared by the professionals from oncology nursing care in cooperation with professionals from psycho-oncology and social work.
Summary     Članek obravnava doživljanje otrok mater z rakom dojke. V teoretičnih izhodiščih je na osnovi pregleda literature predstavljena vloga in delovanje družine ob pojavu bolezni rak. Opisuje, kako naj bi se matere pogovarjale z otroki o svoji bolezni in kako otroci doživljajo materino bolezen. Nakaže vlogo medicinskih sester pri prilagajanju družine na bolezen in njeno vlogo pri izobraževanju, zagovoru in podpori. Avtorica poudari potrebo po uvedbi podiplomskega izobraževanja iz onkološke zdravstvene nege za področje celostne pomoči ženskam z rakom dojke (breast cancer nurse). V zaključku poudari pomen besedne in nebesedne komunikacije v odnosu obolela mati - otrok. Za zmanjšanje osebnostnih stisk predstavi predloge za dodamo pomoč obolelim ženskam v njihovi komunikaciji z otroki in drugimi svojci. Predloge naj bi pripravili in organizirali strokovnjaki onkološke zdravstvene nege v sodelovanju s strokovnjaki s področja psihoonkologije in socialnega dela.
Descriptors     BREAST NEOPLASMS