Author/Editor     Nazzal, Mahmoud Izzat
Title     Odvisnost med ugotovitvami preiskave z računalniško tomografijo glave in izidom rehabilitacije pri pacientih po možganski kapi
Type     monografija
Place     Ljubljana
Publisher     Medicinska fakulteta
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 76
Language     slo
Abstract     The cerebrovascuar diseases clearly rank the first in frequency and importance among all neurologic disorders of adult life. The number of stroke survivors is on increase in the world at large. Stroke can cause one of the most catastrophic impairment seen in rehabilitation hospitals particularly in more advanced age groups. The foremost goal of our research task was to find an answer to the important issues such as confronted by the rehabilitation team, patients' families, and of course patients themselves from the very onset of disease, namely, the prognosis of the final outcome of functioning after completed rehabilitation and factors indicating patients' post-stroke quality of life. Enrolled in the study were 111 patients with ischemic stroke in whom the lesion was located by means of conventional computerized tomography (CT) of the brain. The patients were divided into six groups with respect to the CT scan, namely, group with normal CT scan of the brain, group with small superficial infarcts, group with large superficial infarcts, group with deep infarcts, group with a combination of large superficial and deep infarcts, and group with large bihemispheric infarcts. Rehabilitation outcome and improvement, respectively, were estimated by using the Modified Barthel index which was determined before and after rehabilitation treatment, thereafter calculating the difference in the overall assessment. The localization and extent of brain infarction were found to reveal important and statistically significant variability in the improvement in the patients' functioning both between groups and in comparison within groups. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)