Author/Editor     Primic-Žakelj, Maja
Title     Evropske smernice za presejanje žensk za raka meteričnega vratu
Translated title     European guidelines for cervical cancer screening
Type     članek
Source     In: Možina A, editor. Mednarodni znanstveni simpozij HPV in preprečevanje raka materičnega vratu: kje smo in kako naprej; 2005 okt 7; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Združenje za ginekološko onkologijo, kolposkopijo in cervikalno patologijo,
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 9-13
Language     slo
Abstract     First European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Cervical Cancer screening were published in 1993. The new developments in the following years were a challenge for the members of the European Cervical Cancer Network to start developing new guidelines in 2002. As in 2003 the programme Europe against Cancer did not get financial support from the European Union, the work was slowed down. Some activities from the screening networks will be included in the forthcoming EUNUICE project, coordinated by International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). So in June 2005, a group of scientists was invited to Lyon by the director of IARC to review with the authors the contents of new guidelines and to propose changes, if needed.
Descriptors     BREAST NEOPLASMS